Sunday, December 17, 2006

Potty Training

Yippie, Reygann went poopy on the potty!! Oh wait... my bad, she went poopy ON the potty! At least she is getting closer, right?


b.e.c. said...

OH NO! the poor dear... and poor you. isn't it amazing that when you become a parent you suddenly have the ability to clean up stuff that you never thought you'd be able to clean up in a million years? fun stuff.

butu progress!!

Tim, Lisa, Logan, and Nathan Wilson said...

Good thing you're not pregnant anymore! That had to be bad enough not with child!

. said...

It IS amazing what you can deal with!! But lucky for me Deric was home and he took care of it.. I can do puke no problem.. but dookie.. ewww!!! And he can't do puke so it works out! Last Sunday she dooiked on our bedroom floor and walked through it!! EEWWWW, he cleaned that one up too, what a good boy!! (I helped, I cleaned up Reygann)