Friday, December 15, 2006

Getting Better..

Here is the latest on our mud pit. This is what it looked like they day we got all the rain...

It was over a foot deep, so Deric went out there and hooked up a sump pump to drain it out.. that worked pretty well so we let it run for the night when I got up it was pretty much empty.

I shut it off and took a shower.. when I got out of the shower it was filling up again!! It seems like there is a drain tile in the yard that is emptying right into our hole.. it is seriously like a waterfall! I don't it has rained in days and it is still pouring out the water.

Last night Deric went out there again and put another sump pump directly under our waterfall.. (he put the pump in a sump pump bucket thing, so the bucket would contain the water) and that is working out great. There is still wet in the bottom of the hole but basically just puddles everywhere. Looks like his job for this weekend is to get the drain tile moved so we don't have this waterfall problem anymore!

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