Sunday, December 03, 2006

Our Week

Sorry for the lack of posting this week, I have been quite busy. We filed for the permits for our house and are just waiting to get them so we can officially start... that was a pain. Dragging three kids through the government center is not my idea of fun! What really made it a pain is we had copies of our septic system and fields with the official seal of the health department, but it wasn't signed and the guy said I was going to have to come back. He said the other guy might write it off, but he wouldn't.. come on.. it has your seal on it! So after being there three hours (and getting the kids shots) we went home with pretty much nothing accomplished. The next day we went back and the other guy checked it out filled out some extra paperwork made a few copies and we were on our way to the plan commission, after a little more paperwork we were done (it took an hour, but we were done) and now we are just waiting to see how much this is going to cost us!! (Permits suck!) We should be approved this week and then I will have to go back a third time to pick them up! Funny thing is when I went back the second time Reygann remembered it and I jokingly asked her if she wanted to get more shots (expecting her to say no) she thought about it and said "yep, and sucker!" Oops! I forgot about the sucker they gave her, I guess the good really does outweigh the bad sometimes!

1 comment:

b.e.c. said...

i have to say that is the GREATEST part about living in the country in texass... we don't have to have any permits to build our house save a septic permit. no inspections or anything. which totally works for us as bruce does everything so specifically perfect, but sorry for the poor sap that buys a shoddy house, ya know? but yay, no permits or dealing wiht the gov't hoops for us! feel sorry for ya there.