Monday, March 31, 2008

Nervous Nelly

I am so edgy today, it is raining pretty good over here and it did just the other day too. Everything is still wet and the ground isn't really soaking much of it in right now. If you know our past, (and past) you would understand why I am so jumpy about the rain. Oh my, just looking at those pictures sent the overwhelming sinking feeling over me again! I need to quit before I get depressed thinking about it...


Marlana said...

I'd be nervous too! Those pictures are unbelievable.

Michelle said...

Hope the rain has stopped and your basement is dry! I love your pictures of playtime with Brody. I know he loved every minute he got with you!

b.e.c. said...

my fingers are crossed, darlin...i so know the pain of a flood.

jodes said...

I'm right there with you (unfortunately). I used to love rain and storms and now I freak out when it starts to rain. Did everything stay dry?

. said...

Yes, we stayed dry! It is supposed to rain more this week, ahhh! Deric put in a overflow to the sump pump. Now when the ditch can't keep up with all the water, the overflow takes over and the water spills into the side yard instead of coming back down the pipe into the sump pump. Our stupid neighbor (well our neighbors neighbor) filled in his yard making it higher and now all the water comes our way. Gurrr