Friday, February 01, 2008

I scream you scream

...we all scream for homemade snow ice cream! As most of you know we have been in a winter storm watch for the last 2 days and ended up getting 6-8 inches of snow today. And what a better way to deal with all that snow than to make ice cream! It all started when I was outside waiting for the dumpster to be dropped off, I was standing there watching the driver trying to back his truck up the driveway and I got the urge to eat some snow. So I'm standing outside muching on the snow and thought the girls would like some too, so I had the girls get me cups and I gathered some snow for them too. When the driver was gone I went inside and gave them their treat.
Of course they loved it, and I thought what could be better than eating snow... eating snow ice cream of course!
So I set a bowl outside to catch some snow so we could make ice cream after dinner. There was a small kink in the plan when the neighbor came over and plowed our driveway for us (but we got the bowl filled up later the old fashioned way). Since it was only 10am we had lots of time to kill before it was ice cream time so we went about our day.

Of course the girls played dress ups for a while, it's a favorite pastime of theirs. Do you like her 'pants' they are supposed to be puffy sleves but Reygann liked them better on her legs, she also likes putting the handless gloves on her legs too silly girl!

I tried to get a little work done on the old side of the house, since the dumpster was delivered today that means Deric is going to start gutting that side of the house and phase 2 is starting!!! The downside is I still don't have it cleared out 100% and I have no idea what to do with the stuff that is in there! One of the times that I came from that side into this side I saw Kylie standing on the stairs and she looked a bit different
...can you tell what's different?
She blossomed! It's hard to tell from the pictures but she was standing there on the stairs stuffing her shirt and she was quite impressed with her new look!

Brody's favorite thing to do lately is stand at the window watching the goings on outside. Usually he vrooms at the cars when the pass, and he loves it when the neighbors are outside he bangs on the window shouting hello to them over and over and over again! The neighbors (who are across the street) are completely oblivious to what is going on, but I am about to lose my mind from all the hollering and banging!

Today he figured out if he pushed the chair over to the stairs he could climb up the chair and then get upstairs! I figured since the bottom of the stairs wasn't finished he would be safe and could only go up and down when I approved, looks like that theory is shot! It is nice though, he can follow the girls wherever they go now, he usually gets a little cranky when they go upstairs and he can't follow, he feels so left out!

Dinner time finally came and went and it was time to make the ice cream!! We stuck to traditional vanilla, if we make some again I think I am going to try almond or mint...

Ice cream time!!
Oh, it's so yummy!
My silly little cheeser
She thought it was pretty good too!
Even Brody got to try it

Yum-o, he was a fan for sure!


Michelle said...

Fun times at the Wilson's house! Save some snow ice cream for us...or maybe we'll just try it in Colorado!

jodes said...

Jeesh, I've been trying to leave a comment since last night!

I've never heard of snow ice cream before! I told Boz about it and we think you are the most creative person. :o) I'm a little concerned that Kylie is already stuffing her've got your hands full with that one. Reygann is hilarious the way she cheeses for the camera. It hardly looks like her!

Unknown said...

and how is it that you make snow ice cream?

. said...

It is really easy to make. All you need is snow, milk (or cream), sugar, and flavor (I used vanilla). Basically you just mix it together and you're done. I added just a bit of sugar first and mixed it in, then the vanilla, you kinda have to be quick mixing it in because sometimes it gets clumpy. Then I added the milk and mixed until it was creamy.