Monday, February 04, 2008

Birthday Dinner

We took Reygann to Red Robin for her birthday dinner, Kylie loved it when we took her so I thinking that this is going to be the place to go from now on. Dinner was good of course, but she was waiting for dessert!! If you know Reygann you know what a silly little cheese ball she is, here she is hamming for the camera.

She isn't really sure what to think about them singing to her, she liked it but she wasn't sure what to do.

The best part about going there for your birthday is you get this killer sundae. We never get things like this at home so this is a super treat! Plus at home we are not allowed to lick it out of the bowl!

I didn't think she was going to like the cherry but she did

Kylie was DYING for a bite!

Reygann was kind enough to share with her

I don't know why they take such huge bites, they must be trying to eat it before it gets taken away or something.

Reygann shared a few more bites with Kylie (we lost a little on the table this time)

She needs to get EVERY drop out of the bottom of the glass!

Hot fudge face

Kylie thought she would help Reygann get all she can

Kylie really wanted one more bite (you can kinda see the spoon in her right hand) and after I took this picture she tried to get one more spoonful and got hot fudge on Reyganns forehead!

That was pretty much it. Daddy had to leave dinner early because he had a thing at Church he had to be at, but soon as Reygann she called daddy to tell him about her ice cream. I don't remember exactly what she said (I'll have to ask her in the morning), but it was something along the lines of it 'being so yummy and making her very happy!'

1 comment:

jodes said...

Heehee, they act like they've never had ice cream before!