Friday, February 29, 2008

Too cool

When we move this mirror out of the old house the back came off a little I didn't really think much of it till later I was doing something on the floor and I caught sight of something behind the backing. Of course I had to know what it was so I pulled the papers out and they were pieces of envelopes dated from 1946. I would love to know the story behind this, I have the name of the person it was addressed to I wonder if I could do some digging and figure it out... It seems like the return address was not in there like it was cut off or something and it was adressed to a MRS so maybe the lady was having an affair and was stashing her love letters in the back of the mirror... Ohh I'd love to know! I'm tempted to rip off the rest of the mirror to see if I can find anything else!


jodes said...

How fun, you have your own little mystery!

. said...

If I had time I would love to look into it and see what I could find out!

Michelle said...

Very cool! It's like a Nancy Drew story!

Anonymous said...

Very fun!