Monday, February 18, 2008

It's about time!

A few weeks ago we finally got around to burning our Christmas tree... I know its been a while since Christmas, but in all fairness we take our tree down Jan 1st, so it was only 4 weeks before we got around to burning it. I threw sweatshirts on the kids and we ran out to watch...

Brody was intrested (that's my boy! Fire, Fire!!)
But it wasn't going so well... It must have been because after we took it out of the house it sat in the garage then we put it outside before we burned it and it got snowed on.

We even threw in some of the wood from the house to try and help it along.

Kylie was comforting Reygann
She cupped Reyganns face in her hand and told her that it will be ok and that we will get another tree next time. It was so sweet, and it was kinda funny because Reygann didn't seem to really care! Maybe Kylie was just comforting Reygann to cover her own feelings... Anyways the stupid tree never really did burn and the kids became restless. One of the girls finally said 'Can we go in now?' So we did. I have high hopes for next years tree...


jodes said...

Your tree still looks really good! I'm amazed. That was seeet of Kylie to comfort Reygann...even if she didn't need it. ;o)

Michelle said...

I love Brody's eyes while he is watching the tree. So beautiful! And I love the underwear pictures! I'm suprised Caleb isn't showing more interest in the potty but all in good time!

Edlow said...

yes it is just your computer! The pics are popping up fine. Maybe the server is just to busy right now....

Anonymous said...

These are some sweet pictures.