Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentines Day Everybody! This is the only picture I have of the kids in their valentine shirts, I wish I would have thought it through a little more... Kylie is still in her jammie pants and since they all just woke up I hadn't even brushed their hair yet! Brody was super cranky which is why he has his blankie and his cup of milk.

Doesn't this look yummy? I deicded to go with pasta for dinner since it is already red, but to make it a little better I made a homemade vodka cream sauce (it was oh so yummy!!). (The cream kinda turned it into less of a red color though, but it sitll worked.)

And we topped it off with a pinkish heart cake. I used half a thing of wilton coloring (the good gel stuff) before I gave up on red and went with the hot pink color!

After dinner we gave the kids their valentine gifts. (Sorry about the nudity, I always make them take their shirts off when we're having pasta, it seems like whenever I don't they spill! Soon as we were done it was bath time so I didn't want to put them on just to take them off again and Deric said to just skip it.) Aren't their faces great!?

I found inital necklaces on clearance at Claires after Christmas, so they each got one of those. (It also has 'diamond' earings with them too, but we will have to wait to use those.) I also found Strawberry Shortcake puzzles at the dollar store and they got one of those too.

Both sets of grandparents gave them valentines and conversation hearts (yuck!), and Great Grandma Wilson gave gift cards to McDonalds (yum!).

I got Brody one of those echo microphone things, he looks pretty excited about it.
Checking it out, it looks like he likes it.
I think he liked the conversation hearts the best.... they make a wonderful noise when you bang the boxes together! That's the drummer in him you know...

Once he realized that I wasn't opening the candy for him he decided to try it himself.
Do you see the piece in his mouth?
He actually made it through the box!!

1 comment:

jodes said...

Love the faces! Great job on the cake and the pasta looks SO YUMMY!!!