Tuesday, January 16, 2007


We have a bunch of little people toy sets and Reygann is just starting to get into them... She has always loved the castle and house, I just don't think she knew there were pieces to go inside them! They were on the shelve and I think they were forgotten about (that is actually what Kylie was trying to get see post below...) All the pieces got put into one of the tubs and she has played with them almost every day since. I'm glad she is getting into them finally... we have enough of them they might as well get used! I'm glad we have pretty much all of them because I know we won't be getting any more little people any time soon!!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

We have about four sets of Little people too...and I love them, but they take up so much room! I like yours better cause you have the girl ones! :) I like pink toys! :) And I love Reygann being a bride! We start dreaming young don't we!