Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Getting there...

Deric got the tar on the walls this weekend and back filled around the front of the existing house. Now we are waiting for the inspection... they should be here today sometime. Yesterday Deric ordered our trusses and they should be ready in a week and a half... that should be perfect timing because Deric will be back filling and stuff this weekend and the trusses will be here for the next weekend. Monte was here for about an hour yesterday... and broke our drain tile so we are having water issues again! Nothing terrible, but it is still wet and the sump pump keeps running... I just hope it doesn't freeze...


b.e.c. said...

yeah, another good thing about being in the country in texas... not only no permits beside septic... no inspections beside septic as well :)

jodes said...

Sounds like Monte breaks a lot of stuff.