Sunday, January 21, 2007

Knee Walls!

Yesterday Deric (and I) built the knee walls!! Yippie! I went out and helped for a little bit, but I wasn't out there too long since I had to wait for all three kids to be asleep! But I say I was pretty helpful!! Next weekend we will be doing the floor joists and hopefully getting the plywood in it so we can walk on it. I'm not sure what other goals he has for next weekend, that is all I know for now.
Do you see his secret weapon in his tool belt?


Joanie, Billy, Harrison, Haven, Hudson, and Holden said...

I can't make out anything in his belt, but I must admit that I'm curious!

jodes said...

Yeah, you post your pictures way too small to see any real detail. Try posting them larger. What's the secret weapon?

. said...

There is a bag of peanut M&M's in there! Humm, that's odd that they are so small.. over here they are ok... if I make the KB's smaller the pictures won't load...