Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Playing Outside!!

As most of you know we have had some wonderful weather around here. We've spent sometime outside enjoying it as much as possible. We have a really soggy yard so we really can't play back there right now, so we played in the garage and driveway. Hopefully one day we will have a yard we can play in again!

Kylie's treasure

I pulled out the bubbles (a summer staple!) and they all had fun with them. I gave Brody a power one so he could do it easier, he really loved it, bubbles are almost as good as balloons!!

Brody loves balloons and bubbles I knew this gigantic ball was going to be a hit too!
The neighbors dogs often sit at the table, yes they sit in the chairs at the table. The one likes to stand on top the table, he must see better from up there or something! The kids got a kick out of him being up there!

Kylie's turn to play on the ball
she was showing me her trick

it didn't end well!
Reygann showing me her trick
spinning the stroller around in a circle fast as she could

Reyganns turn with the bubble gun

Brody had fun walking through the doors over and over again
peek-a-boo! I caught a bubble in this picture, kinda cool how that worked out

Reygann playing with the bubbles
Kylie stood there and Reygann blasted her with bubbles

Kylie won the dirtiest kid contest


Anonymous said...

i so can't wait to get my broken camera back kylie is not dirty at all compares to emmalee who the other day was no longer a white child. i will have to take pictures when my camera is home and fixed.

Michelle said...

Fun times and Sweet faces! Looks like a fun day!