Monday, April 21, 2008

Messy Boy

Seriously, when will he start to eat neater?!? He is such a Messy, Messy boy! (Just like Reygann!)

He is saying Please here, he puts his hands together like this when he says it. Most of the time it comes out Peeeasse and it is too cute!


b.e.c. said...

oh my gawd- i could never handle this... callie was a fairly neat eater - thank goodness- i couldn't have handled it i'm sure. even now she's really neat. haleluja.

jodes said...

i was going to ask how he got food on his head... until i scrolled down.

Tim, Lisa, Logan, and Nathan Wilson said...

This is hilarious! Logan isn't that messy, but the spaghetti gets him every time, we don't generally have bowls on our head though!

Michelle said...

Wow...that's really really messy. Save these pictures for his wedding some day! Too cute!

Unknown said...

yeah, jeremy is pretty messy and it still takes a lot of effort for me to get him to acutally use his silver ware. it's just so much easier to dive in lol