Friday, April 11, 2008

Mommy's Bad Day

Don't these look yummy? Well they aren't... I guess they don't taste bad if you like eating brick cookies! I put them in the oven and forgot to set the timer, I got busy with other stuff and kept thinking to myself 'when is the timer going to beep, it seems like they've been in there forever'! And they pretty much were in there forever! I am surprised they didn't burn, they just got really dry and very crunchy!

Later that evening when I was making dinner I started this plate on fire... but that was after I started myself on fire!! Yes folks, I started my clothes on fire! I didn't realize it at first and I was like what's that smell? It smells like a bonfire... Apparently I was making roast Julie for dinner!!

The stupidity continued all day, I don't know what the deal was! It has been a few days and and all seems to be back to normal, here's hoping it stays that way!


'becca said...

yikes! glad you didn't hurt yourself, but how did you start yourself on fire?

. said...

I was cooking on the stove top and I reached up to get something out of the microwave and was leaning over the stove the slightest bit (I was using a huge pan and it was covering the whole burner). But I guess my top leaned foward too and somehow caught on fire! I don't know how it did, the whole burner was covered and I wasn't that close, I use the microwave all the time while using the burner without catching myself on fire! There's a first time for everything I guess!

Julie said...

It's pretty scary how fast something like that can happen - I'm glad you didn't get hurt!!

You could have used the burnt cookies as eco-friendly frisbees - the kids could see who could throw them the furthest into the yard....LOL

Michelle said...

Glad you're ok but it does make me laugh to think of you on fire!

Anonymous said...

Aww I am glad you are alright.

Unknown said...

glad you are ok...but the first thing i thought was...pregnancy brain? lol jk

. said...

I know Amanda, me too!! I was scared enough to check! I NOT, Shewww!! :0)