Wednesday, April 16, 2008

House Update

Of course these pictures span a week or two, when have I updated right away lately?! :0)

If you look at these two pictures at the same time it kinda looks like Deric is in both windows at the same time....

It was a nice warm day so I opened the girls window so Brody could talk with the guys!

Hi Daddy!
Hi Papaw!
Daddy and Papaw were working on the front of the house...

Kylie watching them working from the window.
When Deric is on the stage it is usually my job to get him things he needs, after many trips to get get him stuff I brought Brody with me (he would stand at the door and cry everytime I would step out). He needed another something while I was out there so I handed him Brody.
Brody had fun 'helping' daddy hammer
I had to run inside so I snapped a picture of them through the window in the door where Brody always stands and watches daddy at.
During the week Deric and I got the side of the garage done. It only took 2 evenings to get it done, and that's because we couldn't reach any higher the first night. The very top still isn't finished, because even with the stage he still can't reach that high.
Here he is using the pump jacks, you pump them up the 2x4's and place the stage on it. It isn't very safe feeling, and I wouldn't want to be up there!

This picture is from a while a go, Deric had to tear out the chimney (since it hasn't been used) to open up the downstairs.
It was a lot of work, he had to do it bit by bit. The roof part, the part in the attic, the part on the main floor, and the last of it in the basement! The basement one was worst! There aren't really any windows to open to clear out the dust, and you had to carry the bricks upstairs to the dumpster! That wasn't a fun job, I got to help.

All gone! I can't even tell where it was at!


'becca said...

i'm pretty sure, in the last photo of deric & brody, deric's face is saying something along the lines of "put the camera down, julie, and come take brody. i've got work to do."

. said...

He-hee 'becca! I think you nailed that one!

Joanie, Billy, Harrison, Haven, Hudson, and Holden said...

LOL! I was thinking the same thing!

Deric is such a stud! He's working so hard! Everything looks great!