Friday, April 11, 2008

Bathtime Craziness

Last night I was giving the kids a bath and they were just being goofy and having a good time. I thought I would grab my camera and catch some of the fun.

Mamaw got these little foam ducks and chicks for the kids for Easter. They were floating around the tub and Brody kept 'picking' them up!
This picture makes me laugh, every once in a while he just throws out a scowl and he looks so scowly here! It looks really odd with not being able to see his iris he looks like a one eyed gremlin! Seriously blow it up, it's freaky!!

He caught another one!

I think Kylie wanted to see how many she could fit!

I let Brody play in the tub while I washed and dried the girls one at a time, so he had a lot of time to play. I was just finishing with Kylie and she was going potty, Brody started jabbering about going potty but I ignored it. I turned around to find that he had poopied in the tub!! The worst part was when I turned around I found him with his hand in his mouth!!!!!! (When I put the pictures on the computer I found evidence on his lip, so GROSS) He was a great help and tried to clean it up, every time he would grab at a poopie I would let out a scream! Ewww!!!

I think he grossed himself out here...

...but he perked back up and started to poke himself and say pee-pee! He was so proud, I was so grossed out!


Michelle said...

These pictures crack me up! So cute. I love that you take pictures while all this is happening! You are so funny...priorites...pick up the poop or take a picture...hmmmm...

Anonymous said...

How fun for you!