Wednesday, September 13, 2006

What has gotten into them?

Here is another post without pictures.. I didn't really think I could get ones that would be appropriate... So where do I start? Let’s see, the girls are playing in their room and being really good… (I guess I should have known something was up then!) So I am trying to get some stuff done while they are occupied… I hear lots of giggles and squeals of laughter and I can hear them running around our room, then the footsteps head this way. Reygann pops around the corner stark naked and boldly states ‘nekkie nek!’ (She loves being naked, it is her new thing) Kylie is right behind her just as buck-naked as her sister! Kylie said ‘were naked!’ (Did she think I couldn’t tell?) She was so proud that she helped Reygann get her clothes off. Pretty innocent, what kid doesn’t want to be naked? I tell Kylie that we have to get dressed and she can’t take Reygann’s diaper off because she might go to the bathroom somewhere (lucky for me she didn’t… or I just haven’t found it yet!!) and Kylie said they had to be naked… Why did they have to be naked… did I really want to know? Apparently they were playing doctor with all their baby dolly toys… and lets just leave it at that… I really don’t think they should be coming to anymore doctor appointments with me!!


jodes said...

OMG! That's hilarious!

Hummel Family said...

i love your stories!!! you describe everything so well...I can just hear Julie telling the story! ha!

You might as well change your intro under your family pic, "We aren't really the chatty type so pretty much come for the pictures" Ha! I remember laughing out loud when I read that the first time I visited here and also thinking to myself, "Julie, not the chatty type"!?? ;)

Love ya girl!