Monday, September 18, 2006

Apple Picking

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It is a family tradition to go up to Michigan and go apple picking, and it is something I want to do with my kids so this weekend we took the girls... except my Dr wouldn't let me take the drive that far so we had to fake it at a apple orchard that was closer. We had a good time and got a lot of apples... but not nearly as many as last time. Hopefully I can get them all canned before baby comes (one week or less!) I swear I almost had the baby in the middle of the orchard within the first 5 minutes! I was showing Reygann how to pick the apples and we had some that were really hard to pull off and I grabbed it with her and off it came and I bonked her! She looked really shocked and told daddy 'Mommy bonk!' I know it is terrible, but I broke out in hysterical laughter and couldn't breathe.
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Then I though Deric should put the girls on his shoulders so they could get some high ones and Reygann pulled one off dropped the apple and it hit his head... then Kylie pulled one off dropped it, hit his head and the apple next to the one she pulled off fell and hit his head too!! I had tears running down my face and was actually in pain from laughing so hard!
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After that we thought we should just stick to the apples on the bottom!
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Reygann was a big help pushing the wagon for us... I don't know if daddy could have pulled it with all those apples by himself!
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I wanted to get a picture of daddy and the girls on an old ladder in the orchard... but daddy was the only one holding still!!
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It was a long day with a lot of walking, and both girls fell asleep on the way home...
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Kylie actually held out for a long time, but couldn't fight it any longer.
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1 comment:

jodes said...

I'm so glad you were able to find an orchard close by! Where did you end up going??

Those pictures remind me of the pictures we have of us apple picking at that age. So cute.