Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Labor Day Parade

We decided to spend Labor Day in Lowell at the parade since the girls had such a good time at the last parade.
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Not long into the parade there was a fly over by some jets, and then they went over again and did some figure 8's and other manuvers, it was pretty cool.
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Kylie was just sitting there minding her own business and then it hit her... parades are famous for candy!
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Reygann was more intrested in the bag of teddy grahams than the parade... at least until she figured out that there was candy too.
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I love this crazy face.. she was charging me so you can't see the candy in her hands, but trust me, it's there! She would put them in her bag and then two seconds later she would grab them out again, just to make sure they were still there.
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One of my favorite parts was when the people from Mi Ranchito (one of my favorite mexican restaurants) went by. Kylie liked the horses and the girls pretty dresses, but mommy was disappointed that they weren't throwing chips and salsa.. Yumm, I think I feel a craving coming on!!


jodes said...

Mmm... i could go for some chips and salsa right now. Perhaps i should introduce Boz to Mi Ranchito one of these nights...

jodes said...

Common, where's the butt-shaking Kylie!?

jodes said...
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jodes said...

my bad. LOL!