Sunday, September 10, 2006

Kylie's boo boo

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Kylie slipped and fell in the bathtub and bit her tongue, it looked pretty nasty and wouldn't stop bleeding. We were at my parents house and I was giving the girls a bath after playing in the sand.. I think Kylie stood up and was trying to look out the window and slipped and hit her chin and that is how she bit it so hard. She was a trooper.. at first there wasn't any blood so I didn't think it was that bad then all of a sudden it came gushing out and there was blood running all down the front of her! There was too much blood to really see but I could tell it was deep.. After sucking on some ice she was ready to get back in the tub and it didn't seem to bother her.
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She couldn't wait to show daddy when he got home from work. She told him that she bit her tongue and got a boo boo, but now her tongue had a mouth! (since there is a flap in it)
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That evening was hard on her, we tried putting some numbing medicine on it since she had problems eating her snack earlier, but she wouldn't leave her tongue out long enough to let it dry and said it tasted icky and wouldn't let us try again. But that was the last time she complained about it, I actually think she has forgotten about it already.


Hummel Family said...

wow! That is deep! I've never seen anything like it. I love the fact that she enjoys showing off her tongue for the camera!

Still no baby, huh?

Holly said...

Oh my goodness! Ouch!