Sunday, July 13, 2008

Where has the time gone?!?

I don't even know where to start, we have been so stinking busy!! Isn't everyone these days? Obviously my blogging has been slack!

Lets see, what have we been doing? We had dentist appointments, all five of us... do you know how long it takes to do five dental appointments in a row, plus x-rays? A LONG time! Especially when you are trying to entertain a one and a half year old! Then this week I had to go back for my cleaning, for some reason they don't clean your teeth the same day as your exam and x-rays.

Then a friend had her baby a few weeks early, and wasn't able to hold her baby or anything so I spent the first few evenings hanging out at the hospital keeping her company until her bedtime.

My Sunday picnic plan isn't going as well as I hoped, but we did manage a picnic on the beach. That was a fun day and imagine this... I left my camera at home! What a shocker, I know!!

We also went to the square for a gospel concert done by local churches. It wasn't as bad as it sounds! I actually read that they were having it but didn't think twice about it. Then I saw that our Church was one of the churches singing so I thought why not! So we grabbed Chinese from the corner and had a picnic on the square. The kids loved running around to the music after dinner was over, but, we didn't stay all the way to the end, it was just getting late.

Oh yeah, we can't forget the fourth of July activities! We went to fireworks on the third, they weren't bad, but man was it COLD!! Who knew! We always go to their fireworks so I'm thinking they just had an off year. Plus with all the construction going on we had to be farther back then normal. Of course we went to the parade in town on the fourth, and we went right away to my parents house for a picnic, and we left my parents house and went straight to the fireworks. THAT was a long day!! Then on the fifth we left the kids at home and we took the bike to more fireworks! Are we seeing a pattern here? I LOVE fireworks!! I was supposed to see more fireworks, but my friend had her baby this night so I sat with her the next few days instead. (Plus my sister had it wrong, her town had their fireworks on the fourth, not the seventh like she said). One day I would love to take a boat to see Chicago's fireworks again! That was awesome!

We went to the beach again. Brody really HATES the sand (and water!). He loves the bath, but is terrified of standing on the sand/being in the water. Seriously the first time we went to the beach Brody was crabby, we chalked it up to being after nap time. But this trip cemented the fact that he did NOT like the sand! He would walk right up to the edge of the grass and soon as it would start to be soft and turning sandy he would just freeze! I would hold his hand and try to get him to follow me, but he would just freak out. We tried with and without shoes on and that didn't help. He is such a goofy boy! Lucky for us it was a private beach so Brody sat under the pavilion (in the grass) playing with cars and dipping pretzels in lake water (that was in a bucket) ewww! I managed to get him into the water, but not without fussing. He would splash his hands in the water if I was holding him out of the water, if I tried to lower him down he would pull his legs up and literally climb up me to get far as he could! When we were leaving the beach I caught my leg on the bottom of the door and I cut myself pretty good. I have a fist size nasty looking bruise with a gash right through the middle of it.

We spent an evening outside and Reygann ended up with a mystery fever and a rash. The rash was interesting. You know how when you get a mosquito bite it gets round and puffy... she had a mark like that except it was tiny (like the size of a pin head), then ten seconds later she had fifteen more around that area. And just a little later they had more than doubled again! Then we found some more elsewhere it was quite odd! After a few minutes all of the bumps disappeared!
We had another beach trip, it was pretty much the same as the last one minus the leg gash. But I did drop my (huge) camera on my toe!
This is all for now, I could keep going but I am sure you get the idea. It is now after 11:30 and we have VBS all week so I need to get to bed so I can survive! I just finished up loading pictures from this weekend... but I don't have time to tell you about it so you will just have to wait...

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