Friday, July 11, 2008

4th of July Parade

It started out as a crabby morning... but things leveled out after a bit. Why do they always make these things smack in the middle of nap time?

Brody really liked his flag, he played with it the whole parade.

The sirens got really loud! Nothing like sitting here while 15 million firetrucks drive S L O W L Y by while blaring their sirens!

These guys were squirting the crowds down, it was refreshing...

The old guy in the front was so sweet, he kept shouting Thank You to us for saying thank you to him for serving for us.

Brody wanted out of the stroller after a bit, but we managed to keep him in there!

The girls loved the tiny horses!

I liked the poor guy that had to clean up after them!

Jordan and Mary came to the parade with us.

Daddy and Kylie breaking it down to the Gary band.

The Gary band

Getting hosed down again.

Daddy held Kylie out there to get her wet.


Michelle said...

I love their fourth of July outfits! So cute. Looks like a fun time!

Unknown said...

i love Reygann's dress! it's so cute