Friday, July 11, 2008


My kids have bathroom issues. I think they just think it is fun to go to the bathroom EVERYWHERE they are! If I give them juice (which I almost never do) WATCH OUT! They will pee it out for DAYS!! Like EVERY 5 minutes, for DAYS! Of course 4th of July was no exception! Lucky for me we had a sand bucket and bag in the truck so we had somewhere they could go!

First things first we lit sparklers, that is always a great way to kill time while we are waiting for the fireworks to start.

Reygann was being so cute making googly eyes at me. Silly girl!

Brody wanted to get in on the googly eye action.

Brody spent some quality time with Mary.

I think this picture looks like a flag on a flag pole...

Part way through the fireworks Brody climbed up onto the truck with me. I didn't catch too much of the fireworks after that since I was too busy making sure he wasn't going to fall off!

He was all over the place, he would lay behind me or crawl between my legs, it was so dark I had no idea where he was half the time!

Brody looks a little dazed by the flashing light!

These lights are from the line of cars waiting to leave.

My little sweeties couldn't help it but fall asleep on the 5 minute ride home!

Well, the younger two that is...

...and a few more fireworks for the road.

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