Sunday, June 01, 2008

Cubbie Graduation

Last Wednesday (or was that 2 Wednesdays ago?) was the last day of Awanas for the year. They had a little program and all the classes sang songs. This year they did things better than last year. Last year everyone got their book awards infront of everyone in the sanctuary, imagine how long that took!!! This year all the classes sang their songs and they presented the Timothy awards and everyone went to their own rooms and got their awards there. Much Better!
Too bad she was on the top riser, it was hard to see my little shrimp!
The Cubbie class
Singing the songs and of course doing ALL the motions!
This year Harrison was in Cubbies with Kylie (he was a first year and she was a second), and next year Harrison and Reygann will be in Cubbies together. (I took pictures of Harrison and am sending them to Joan, so harrass her about updating her blog!)
Reygann was pouting about not being in Cubbies too
Showing off her awards
Cute idea, but wouldn't you think they would make the top banners a bit lower?
These ladies are Kylies two table leaders
Now on to Sparks!

(Those are pretty much the best pictures I have Holly! We'll have to do better next year!)

1 comment:

jodes said...

We need more Harrison pictures!!! He's so stinkin cute!