Sunday, June 01, 2008


Ok so I've gone back through photobucket and shrunk the horizontal pictures so they fit... which now means they are a ton smaller than the other pictures. Deal with it... at least you get to see the whole thing now. I'm working on shrinking the rest of the horizontal pictures so there will be more big/little picture combos to come.

We had a nice weekend. I've been working on getting the pool up and running... Deric was just out there turning the hose off (we are filling it up) and he says he thinks their might be a leak! I hope not!!! I have a little sunburn from scrubbing out the pool, it's not too bad just a bit tender...

We had a picnic after Church today. We went to Deep River County Park, I of course took pictures of the kids while we were there. (Those will be posted whenever I can get them to upload!) I'm hoping to have picnics every Sunday after Church until it gets deadly hot out! Anyone have any suggestions on what to pack? The kids had pbj and we had chicken salad sandwiches... what should we have next Sunday? It has to be something that will last well in the cooler during Church. Sunday School starts the week after that and I'll need something that will last through 2 services.

1 comment:

jodes said...

what a fun idea julie!!! Maybe as a treat you can pick something up on the way? KFC is always good for that! i used to love picking up KFC after church on Sunday. If i think of anything, I'll let ya know.