Sunday, June 01, 2008

Grandparents Day Program

Kylie's school put on a program for Grandparents day. I think the whole experience was kinda like pulling teeth! The singing was good, but the actual program part could have used help... But we sat though it (it's not like we could have left!) Kylie's class samg some cute songs. Granted its been almost a month since the program I don't remember most of them any more but I do remember L A Z Y (to the tune Y M C A) that was pretty cute and that was her favorite song.
Waving to us
Seriously people, look how short she is! Poor girl! (Right after I snapped this she scolded the boy for lifting his shirt and told him to put it down!)
I don't remember what this song was
Doesn't she look like she is having fun?
Here is the LAZY song
Photobucket Bored again...


Tim, Lisa, Logan, and Nathan Wilson said...

none of your pics are showing up :(

. said...

Mom checked them from her computer they should be working. I uploaded them in photo bucket so they are HUGE. You should try looking at one post at a time instead of the whole front page. Soemtimes it is just too much for the computer.

jodes said...

i love her bored pictures.

Tim, Lisa, Logan, and Nathan Wilson said...

I think it must be the school blocking it, because they worked at home.