Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The first installments

Shew, it's been awhile!! I have been so busy with house stuff, trying to close the loan, and going through insurance hell! (I am still trying to get the insurance to pay from when Brody was born 20 months ago!) I have been very stressed and don't have the time to sit and blog, it doesn't help that I have dial up and that everything is S L O W! I have been checking all your blogs religiously still though! It seems like most of us are in a blog slow season (but not you Jody!) After dropping Kylie off at school I had some returns to do but the store didn't open for an hour and a half so I brought the computer and sat in Panera's parking lot uploading pictures. It's too bad blogger was acting up so I had to upload them all to photo bucket which means they all ended up HUGE! Sorry!!! I have a ton uploaded so keeps your eyes peeled I'll be trying to get them all up here soon.

(I just realized the pictures are so big the horizontal ones don't have enough room to show up! Gurrrr!!)

1 comment:

jodes said...

yay!! Glad you're back!