Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Kylie's first day of kindergarten

This is how I found the girls this morning! Isn't it too sweet! This is the first time I have caught them together. I guess Reygann got up in the middle of the night and couldn't put her blankets on so she climbed in with Kylie. I snapped the picture and quickly shut the door, Reygann sat up and said 'What was that?' and laid back down and went back to sleep!
After I showered I went in there to wake them up and Reygann was a grins!
What sweeties!

All ready for school!

Eating her 'healthy' breakfast! She was supposed to have a yogurt with her donut but she ate too slowly and ran out of time!

Talking to daddy on her way to school

She is all ready, stuff is in her locker, and we're good to go!

One more with her teacher

I took a picture of the schools sign on my way out, I'm not sure why but I liked the way it turned out.

She survived!

(she kept posing, I couldn't get her to stop!)

Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!


Devin said...

Man....those pictures are just sooooo good!

It certainly doesn't hurt that your daughter is as cute as she is....

I love the ones of the two of them in bed together. I've captured a few of those moments myself of my older two, and I love them!

(Something to blackmail them with later, of course).

. said...

Thanks Devin!!

I just loved the pictures of your boys! I almost linked it but I didn't want you to be like why is this crazy girl always linking me!! Those are great shots to remember, and the way to boys were snuggling eachother... TOOO Sweet!!

jodes said...

wow - i see so much of you in her! The last few remind me of the picture of you with the 'Julie Church' sign... remember that?

i love that her bag is nearly as big as she is!

The pics of the girls in bed together are so sweet - Reygann looks like a real sweetheart in the second one.

. said...

Oh my! I forgot totally about the Julie Church!! What was that, a church called St Julie's? Now that you bring it up I remember making dad take a picture of me by the sign at 'my' church! I think I was wearing a red dress...

You should see her with a regular backpack, she could almost fit inside it! That is why I got this style this year. Last year I got her a toddler backpack and it fit her better, but it was too small to hold her school stuff! A lot of good that did me! :0)

She was very sweet! I wish I could have enjoyed it more instead of having to rush out the door...