Thursday, August 07, 2008

Fair Time!!!

We went to the fair this weekend, of course we had a great time, and believe it or not I left my camera put away most of the time!! Actually Daddy-0 and I went twice, we went with friends and took the kids back the next day. The kids had a great time and loved everything, the only way it could have gotten better is if we let them do the games and rides. But it is CRAZY expensive!! It would have been $20 for my family to ride the ferris wheel! $20!!! That's insane! We ate some good food and made sure we covered all the food groups... We had deep fried veggies, chocolate covered strawberries, a funnel cake, ice cream (well Mary had ice cream, I needed a dairy!), nachos with meat and cheese (hey, look-e-there, I did get dairy!), corn on the cob (more veggies), and hot dogs! Deric and I might go back for dinner without the kids tonight, we'll have to see if our babysitter can make it or not.

Of course we had to walk the entire fair checking everything out. The kids really love the animals the best!

Brody has his hands out wanting to hold the bunnies in the 4H barn. There was a box with some you could pet, but we didn't want to let him out of the stroller so I lifted a bunny to him. He loved it!! He grabbed my hands pulling them right to him and then tried to make me let go of the poor bunny!

This was in the agricultural building, the sign says 'look at our baby wood ducks'. Daddy held Reygann up so she could see them, but when you get your eye up there a plastic duck head pops out at you and scares you!! I was going to look when we went with Jordan and Mary but we were so tired we sat by the pond for a minute first while the guys looked at other stuff. I saw a guy walk up and get scared by it so I wasn't going to fall for it so I told Deric to look before we left and it got him!

Of course we had to stop at the potty! When don't we? But we were to first customers of the day and Deric said they had been cleaned REALLY well! That's a good thing!

This was one of Deric's favorite things to watch. He was pretty good, he had a bunch of stuff he had carved (with a chainsaw) for sale. It was all to expensive for us, but still pretty cool.

The kids liked it ok, but they thought it was too loud

Even my loud girl thought it was loud!

Next we went to the pig nursery and checked out the baby piglets

The girls thought they were so cute!

And Brody must have wanted a better view!

We also got to see a baby sheep!

After we left the pig barn we saw a wagon ride, and it was loading right then so we hopped on board!

Brody was a pain in the butt, wanting to run around in the wagon and climb on all the seats. Wrestling Brody is never fun, he is one strong cookie!! Soon as the ride started he was very good standing there checking things out, thankfully it was only a few minutes we had to wait!

The covered wagon we rode on. I think the best part was getting to sit in the shade for a bit!

When we got dropped back off the girls saw this pretty horse! I don't remember what it was called, but they had some sort of costume parade in the horse arena. Kylie thought the horse looked like a princess!

And these are garbage cans, could you tell? Why would I take a picture of them you ask. It's because when they were setting up for the fair we could see garbage cans lined up, seriously there were over a hundred in a bunch waiting to be spread around. And every time we would drive past (the fairgrounds is on the corner of our road, we drove past a lot) the kids would try to find the garbage cans. They would get so excited knowing that the garbage cans meant the fair was coming soon! I was waiting for Deric to come back from getting our healthy lunch and I saw them and took the picture, the end.


jodes said...

I love that Deric has three sunglasses hanging on his pocket! Something about that is really funny to me. The piglets are cute, aren't they!? We had to stop by them as well. Did you see any of the McNeill's? We saw most of them when we were there. That's always a treat. ;o)

jodes said...
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Michelle said...

Looks like a fun time for all! and I totally agree about things being so expensive at the fair...even in Del Rio it cost to much to ride the rides! ...and we don't have animals at our fair so then it's really boring! :)

Devin said...

I love, love, love the fair. Ours is going on right now too, but it is so stinkin' hot here...mommy doesn't think she could handle the heat! :-) Maybe we'll try in a couple of days....

But you are right--I have to agree with the whole 'how expensive it is' thing. We can hardle afford to do stuff like that anymore unless it's like, bracelet night or something! Goodness, it's like $4 to ride just one ride--for ONE boy! Let alone three of them :-)

I'm saving my money for Indiana Beach! :-) We do that every year and the boys love it.

I've been reading your blog thru my Reader, so I am not sure when you changed over but I LOVE the new layout! Awesome!