Sunday, January 27, 2008

Playing in the Snow

The girls have been dying to play in the snow all week but Brody hates being bundled up he can't move and he keeps falling over so taking him out just doesn't work. It probably takes longer to get everyone bundled up than we would actually get to spend outside. So yesterday worked out perfectly, Deric had to do some work on the garage (we are finally getting a garage door, hopefully this week) and this was a perfect opportunity for the girls to play outside and Brody and I to stay inside. I actually prefer it this way, I am not a fan being out in the snow. I'll go out for a bit play and take pictures but then I am out of there! I do enjoy watching them play so Brody and I spent some serious time looking out the door at them. I would like to let them play out there unsupervised but there is only the door window and one little window in the kitchen that looks into the backyard and with the garage sticking out you can't see too well. I would just feel better having a good eye on them, plus the septic tank is right in that area and it still doesn't have a lid and that worries me. They know not to go over there but you never know what is going to happen so why take the chance. Anyways they were out there for a Very long time and I don't think there is a spot in the yard that they didn't trample on! They even went all the way back to the barn and played with the kitchen set out there for a bit, Kylie spent some time with a shovel and a bucket shoveling the yard! Silly girl! They also took the slide out of the garage and put it in the yard and played with that for a while, they actually brought it halfway back to the barn. I was quite impressed that they got it back that far, they had more trouble bringing it back to the garage though. I think they were cold and worn out by this time. I was ready for them though, hot cocoa and marshmallows yumm! And I had soup for lunch that was almost ready, that warmed them up quickly.

Looking out the window

Do you see the girls? They are almost all the way to the barn. I pushed a box in front of the door so he could stand there and watch them play, he was up and down pretty much the whole time they were out there. He'd play in the family room, then go running to the door bang on the window yelling greetings at the girls and go back to playing, he did this over and over again. It was very sweet.

These pictures are from when we went sledding at mom and dad's house a week or two ago. This was the last day the snow was around right before it got warmer. It was actually really nice to play in the snow that way, I think it was in the mid 40's!

Brody's first try at sledding

there they go

then they tipped over

so we tried just Brody

he made it all the way to Papoo, but then he started to cry

Kylie's turn

I think it must have been hard to sled on the melty snow

there goes Reygann

right into Papoo's leg!

you can see her getting knocked right here

and falling over here

I think they liked going together the best

After we had enough sledding we walked down to the lake and got to walk on it. Kylie has been talking about walking on the frozen water since last winter!

Reygann and Daddy jumping

holding on for safety

it was getting kinda slushy since it was so warm out and that made it less slippery

On our way back to the house we just had to make a snowman....

isn't he cute?

Seriously isn't it a cute face! We had a hard time finding stuff to use but we finally found a few acorn caps and a few twigs and mommy stole a pine needle thing off the neighbors tree.

Showing off their handiwork

Of course we need to sled a few more times to round out the day so daddy plopped down and the girls piled on!

Here they come! Kylie is on top and you just barely see Reyganns hat.
The sled started to veer my way and almost hit me, I had to jump out of the way and this is what I caught going past... Do you see Kylie? If you look at the top of the picture by Reyganns legs you can see Kylies hand holding on to her head as she falls off the sled.
Reygann checking on what happened to Kylie
Kylie laying in the snow (along with the glove Reygann lost when Kylie tried to grab on!)

Brody stayed in the house with Mamoo after his attempt at sledding. He was perfectly content to watch from the door and help her vacuum!

1 comment:

jodes said...

Yes, the snoman is seriously cute! I love how happy Reygann looks on the slie with Kylie. And what a cool picture of them jumping!