Wednesday, January 09, 2008

House Update

December 29th we spent the night upstairs for the first time! (And we've been up there since) I snapped these pictures of the kids in their new rooms. I had a hard time getting around the mirror in the girls room, so it isn't the greatest pictures, but I didn't want to walk all around their room.

Of course we still aren't 100% finished but I thought I would snap a few pictures and try to show you what the house looks like (well the upstairs anyways).

This picture is taken almost at the top of the stairs to the right is the bathroom (not in the picture), the far left is the girls room, the room in the middle is Brody's, and the white casing on the end is from our room (well our room for now).

This is taken from the girls doorway. The closest door you see is Brody's room and the farthest one is ours and the one straight in front is the bathroom. You can see the posts where the railing for the stairs will be on the right.

Kylie's bed

Reygann's bed (they are on the same wall on opposite ends with a book shelve in the middle). When if gets warmer out I am going to make them white picket fence headboards and foot boards and a friend is going to paint flowers on the green wall.

The girls LOVE their closets so I thought I would include pictures of them too. (They are on the opposite wall from the beds). It is great to finally have room for their clothes... I even have extra room! Extra room, what is that?! The top pole has their church clothes and clothes they don't need to get into, and the bottom pole has their everyday clothes. They have really enjoyed browsing through their clothes and picking what they are going to wear that day!

I put their dresser in the closet to save space in their room they have a huge double closet so why not. You can see that the pole above is pretty much empty! It's great to have room to expand! You can see just a bit of yellow to the left of their dresser that is where I hung up all their dress ups. It worked our really well there is just enough room behind the wall (between the two sets of doors) to hang their dresses. (Actually we have so many dress ups we might have to move their real clothes if we get any more!!)

To the right of the dresser I made a little area for all their accessories. I just did it on the spur of the moment so there really isn't anything pretty about it, just functional. I didn't have anything to hang their jewelry on so I just put drywall screws into the wall, it could be prettier but it works and they don't care. I took a leftover piece of the shelve and attached it to the side of the dresser and put their crowns and wands up there and hung their purses off the front. They have so many purses that I actually had to add a bar across the side of the dresser under the shelve to hold the rest of them! And their shoes go on the floor underneath. They are just crazy over their dress up area, I think they would be up there all day if they could! And Kylie is great about hanging the dresses up and putting everything away and helping Reygann do the same.

This mirror has been floating around between all of us girls and when I saw it in the corner of Jody's garage I claimed it as mine, I knew it was going to be perfect in the girls room!! I want a floppy dress up hat to hang over the corner of it so if any of you see one somewhere let me know. In the reflection you can see their desk with their vanity set on it (I have a chair so they can sit and pretend to put their makeup on but it is 1/2 inch too big for the hole so I have to cut it down and repaint it still). They just love getting all dolled up and seeing what they look like.

Brody's room is less decked out...
This is what you see when you open his door, his window and closet are to the right of the shelve. There is nothing fancy about his closet, he will have a double pole too but it isn't in yet since he only has a handful of thing hanging up right now. I might need to rent some of his space out to the girls!
I though his quilt look cute hanging up here since it didn't fit in his crib (the quilt is twin size not crib size). It helps get a feel for the room with it displayed vs packaged up somewhere.
I have cute twig drawer pulls for his dresser and leaf knobs for the closet doors but neither are put up yet. You can just barely see to the left of the dresser his paw print hooks, it took him all of 2 seconds to figure out how to get them off the wall and use them like a hammer!! The poor boy has nothing fun in his room so I brought up the little shelve and gave him some books. Not that it matters too much right now anyways, we don't have the bottom steps done yet so there is no way he can get up to them unless you put him up there.

And our room is even less decked out!
That's it, that is all we have a bed and two dressers. I do have some stuff I am going to put in there but I let Jody borrow it for her wedding and I haven't gotten it back yet. I think that is pretty much it, I don't have any pictures of the bathroom... It looks like a bathroom, I used the same stuff that was in the bathroom downstairs, so nothing new there...


Tim, Lisa, Logan, and Nathan Wilson said...

Lets see the pics of their closet in a week....after they're in it!

jodes said...

Julie the rooms look great!!! I'll rummage around and try to find the daisy stuff. I'll let ya know when I've got it together then you can have Deric pick it up along with the cabinet. :o)

. said...

Oops, I forgot about the cabinet Jody! My bad!!

Actually they have been in their closet for a week and a half and it still looks good, the shoes are less lined up but they are all in the right spot still! Kylie even hangs the dresses up facing the correct direction!

Hummel Family said...

Julie, the house looks great. I am so happy for you! I am sure you are more than ready to have it all done. It's getting there.

Nice job, Deric!

Michelle said...

Yay!! The house looks great you all have done a great job! I am so excited for you.

Anonymous said...

The house looks wonderful, I love the girls closet. You have such great decorating ideas.