Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Odds and Ends

I have a bunch of random pictures so I decided to make a post of them.

I don't know if you can tell but the girls wanted to have princess glitter on them so I figured why not and I doled it out. I have had the glitter forever (from Prom or something I think) and I usually let them wear some when playing dress up. But lately they have been getting dressed up in their regular clothes with jewelry purses, and glitter. They loved it.

One of the girls new chores is helping with the laundry, more specifically sorting the socks. This can be a daunting task with 5 family members and with the girls and daddy each having at least 3 different stlyes of socks each, it is a lot of socks (with daddy working outside his socks often get wet and he goes through about 3 pairs everyday)! They also put their laundry away but I only just started having them help with the folding (I always did this during nap time because of the lack of space).

Reygann found her swimsuit when we were moving stuff to the other side of the house and so proudly put it on all by herself! It's backwards, but she did it herself.

Kylie got a Pippi Longstocking dvd for Christmas and both girls are Pippi crazy! I actually enjoy watching it too, it brings me back! Of course the girls both wanted hair like Pippi so I did the best I could. I didn't have anything around so after I braided Kylie's hair I fished some electrical wire through it to make them stick out. Reygann wasn't so lucky, I was impressed that I was able to get braids in, tiny braids, but they were still in. I didn't try to make them stick out, they kinda did a little because of how short they were.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the braids!! Reygann in the bathing suit is the funniest thing I've seen in a while, I loved her face in the first picture.