Like I said before Brody is now a crazy man and is always on the go! Here he is going through my pool bag... ...then the kitty caught his eye... ...then to take a quick nap...
I heard him fussing but didn't see him right away...
it turns out he was stuck behind the bedroom door!
a quick snack to recharge Brody's batteries
here he goes again (I love the little booty sticking out!)
Yep, he's under there!
he was sitting on the baby and draging it around when he crawled...
he finally figured out how to leave the baby behind (behind, he-hee)
Brody turned 9 months old Monday, I can't believe how fast the time has flown! I took him to the Dr. for his 9 month check and he passed with flying colors! (Of course) He is 21 pounds 1 ounce and he is 29 1/2 inches long.
Thanks to the stupidity of someone at Target that hit the changing room door with the shopping cart they no longer allow you to bring the carts into the rooms with you... even if you have three small kids. I get they don't want you to bring other merchandise in there, that's no problem, but having to leave the whole cart outside was a pain. ...but I did learn that Brody DOES know how to crawl the real way! I think he just doesn't really have the traction at home since we only have hard floors! (He would do a few crawls before falling, so I just figured he needed more practice!) So that made up for the no cart thing a little... it seems like it opened Pandora's box though... when we got home I found him in the bathroom standing up (!) holding on to the bathtub!! What the crazy! Where did that come from!! It's kinda funny, he will get up, but can't quite figure out how to get back down, and some times his legs shake from fatigue if he has been standing for a while, it's pretty cute. Now he is like a wild man, always on the go!!!