Monday, March 05, 2007

Yippie, No More Tarp!!

Saturday our faithful workers (Billy & Tim) were back again working on our roof. Last weekend (when the work got snowed out) Deric got all the rafters cut so they were all ready to go when the guys got here. Deric and I are SO glad to have the tarp off of the house!! If it didn't cost so much I would suggest burning it to purge ourselves of it, but since most of it is fine and can be used again that's what we are going to do. The last few weeks have been so windy and the tarp was constantly whipping around and banging on the house. It was secure, but it just kept thrashing.. Deric was actually out there at 4 am trying to get it tighter so it wouldn't blow around so much (but it didn't help any). All of the noise kept keeping us awake or would wake us up over and over. To me it was annoying, but to Deric it was annoying and worry some because he knew the results of the tarp ripping off so that kept him awake too. He actually brought in his earplugs from work and started to sleep in them!! I wish I could have done that.. The roofers were here today (we decided to hire that out instead of doing it ourselves (well Deric's self!) just so it would be done and we wouldn't have to worry about getting it done before it snows again and stuff like that plus it is pretty high up there!) The roofers showed up around 8 this morning and were done by 11! Impressive, I thought they would be here longer. Here are some pictures I took after they left...
back of the house
front/side view
front of house (the porch will be from the addition across the old house)
this is where the porch will be


Anonymous said...

Wow it's looking very good. How exciting for you all.

jodes said...

My Goodness! Its looking like a real house! That's awesome!!! I can't wait to see the guts.

b.e.c. said...

i totally know how liberated you feel over the loss of the tarp- i felt that way this weekend when the camper drove away!!

Joanie, Billy, Harrison, Haven, Hudson, and Holden said...

Wow Erin, the camper is gone?! I bet that does feel good!

It does look good Jules! I got to tour it this weekend and it was so cool to actually see it in real life and not just on the blueprint!

Unknown said...

wow...this process is actually going far faster then i had thought it probably seems forever to you...but it's kinda neat seeing your house go up.