Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Life Lessons

The girls and I have all learned important life lessons this week... Yesterday while we were out walking with Joan and kids Kylie learned (the hard way) that girls can't pee standing up! I'm not really sure what she was (or wasn't) thinking, but for whatever reason she just dropped trow and started to pee! (Let's clarify a few things here... we were on the bike path and got to the end and the bathrooms were closed... Kylie and Harrison had to go, so we each went to a side of the path and Harrison did his thing and I was going to sit Kylie over the railing to do hers. She dropped her pants while I went to grab some toilet paper and when I turned back around she was peeing! It was pretty funny, but the poor girl had to walk home wet!!) On today's walk she kept saying things like 'girls have to go like this when they pee' and would strike a pee pose... I hope we have learned this lesson!
Reygann learned today that when a swing knocks you down that it is going to come back to get you over and over again! Poor kid got knocked down by the swing (obviously!) and kept trying to get up and then it would get her again, then she would try again, then it would get her again! I was on the other end of the swings and by the time I got Reygann she had been 'ran over' three times! My poor baby! And then to make matters worse after I held her a minute she wanted to swing again so I put her on, gave her a push and went to give Kylie a push and she somehow fell out of the swing! She landed on her butt and fell back and hit her head, that was the end of the swings for her!
I learned tonight that throwing salt over your shoulder is good luck for you... but if you try to throw salt over the shoulder of the person sitting across from you it will probably end up in their eye and that isn't a good thing! (Sorry Deric!!)
I'm just guessing here, but Deric probably learned never to take me out in public again, HA!


jodes said...

wow. So many things to comment on here! LOL! Okay, first, WHY were you throwing salt over Deric's shoulder!?

OMG - poor little Reygs!! I can see that happening.

'girls have to go like this when they pee' - hilarious!

Anonymous said...

You are to funny! Like Jody said way to many things to comment on. So... I won't.

Brooke said...

Has anyone seen those life lesson stautue things that TLC has commerials for? That's what your post reminds me of. You could start your own collection.

Unknown said...

Okay, i can totally see you throwing salt over Deric's shoulder...i can also invision you when you were little like Kylie and Reygann you striking a pee pose and getting knocked over by a swing repeatedly.

Michelle said...

I love little ones! Even the day to day is fun! Good things to remember!

. said...

Umm HELLO Jody, I was throwing it over him for good luck, did you miss that part?!

HA! I could start my own life lesson stautue like TLC!! I don't have cable, but I've seen the comericals once or twice... too funny!!

Anonymous said...

OK I am so with Amanda on that one. Aren't you suppoused to throw it over your own shoulder? Less Messy.