Tuesday, March 13, 2007

We Have Stairs!!

Deric put in our stairs this weekend, yippie!! Now we can go up and do with ease. I told the girls that when there were stairs we would let them check it out. So they were excitedly waiting at the window and watching Daddy build them. (The window you see in the picture is right behind our couch so they would sit up there and look 'out'.) It was pretty muddy out and I didn't want to have the kids climb up the ladder to get in so I passed them through the window to Daddy and then I walked around the outside.
Do you see Kylie all the way at the top? She bolted up the stairs, she just couldn't wait to see everything!
I had to throw in a Brody picture.. even if it is blurry!
This is Kylie's reaction to her new room! She slapped her hands over her mouth and said 'Oh, My, Gooness (like goodness just a little more Latino) it is SO beautiful!' He-hee, I can't wait to see what her reaction will be once it is actually done!!
Going back down. The girls didn't want to go back in the house, they wanted to run around some more... but Daddy had more work to do.


jodes said...

Love the pictures! She looks so excited - that is so cute especially as there's no walls or anything! She'll be an easy one to please!

Tim, Lisa, Logan, and Nathan Wilson said...

Who will be more excited mommy or kylie!

Anonymous said...

YAY Stairs, why didn't you climb through the window? Well and had some one take a picture of that.
That is a really precious picture of Kylie.

Unknown said...

yeah julie! you should have climbed through the window too! i'm glad you kids like where they are going to live...that makes it easier

Brooke said...

Yea for stairs! No more scary ladder!