Monday, October 06, 2008

Apple Picking!

It's that time of year again! Apple picking time! We went last weekend and had a great time. We knew it was going to be a good day when Reygann and Brody took a nap on the way up there, yea no crabby kids for us!

Kylie looks tired here, but no nap for her. She does ok without a nap though so we're good!

Time to wake up, we're here! Reygann still is a little sleepy

...Brody is to. Could you tell! We asked Reygann if she wanted to ride for a little too, but she didn't want to.

Our wagon ride out to the field.

Reyganns first apple of the year!

Kylie gave Brody her apple

You can't tell from this picture but the first few trees were really bare except for the way top and the way bottom, so Deric is jumping and picking apples from the top. Once the girls picked a few apples we walked further back where there was a lot more apples.

Piggy, piggy!

Picking one while eating another

This one didn't want to get picked and needed both hands (I think this is how Brody got 2 apples, one was his and Reygann put hers in the wagon so she could use both hands)

Helping the girls out

2 bags full and we are still in the first row! We really need to get money from people and pick for them! We have so much fun, but it is over too quickly!

Kylie brought the class 'pet' Rocky with us. (More on Rocky later)

Going to town on his apple

Daddy picked a few raspberries from the patch for the kids to eat. Brody wasn't too sure about it. I am pretty sure he ended up spitting it out! Apples=good, Raspberry=not so good!

Cheesing in the trees

Reyganns bag is almost full!

We finally let Brody out of the wagon. He was so content to just sit there so we let him, until we ran out of room that is! We pretty much thought he was going to be a holy terror and dreaded setting him free, but he was great! He stayed with us and obeyed very well!

Picking his first apple ever

Daddy showing him where to put it. It took a few tries before we got him to stop shouting 'Throw' and throwing it in the bag! Looks like we'll be making apple sauce with those ones!

On the hunt

Much better placing it in the bag

He has the hang of it now

Helping Brody get some

Reyganns very special tiny apple

Kylie climbed in a tree with Rocky so Reygann wanted to get in a tree too.

I saw this crate and just had to take the kids pictures with it. Too bad they didn't agree with me!

I should have taken the apples away, no one wanted to look at me or smile!

We got to go on another wagon ride!

I love this one! I don't know why but I do, I love the little booty sticking out!

I love, love, love his silly cheesy face!!

Aww, so sweet

Had to take one of us while waiting for our last wagon to come

Chillin out eating apples

Our last wagon ride

Weighing our apples

and the kids

Brody was smushing his face against the fence and putting his lips in the hole asking for smooches (just like he does in the crib)
Where are you?
Peek a boo!
He's doing that creepy sleeping with your eyes open bit
Two down, one to go

Yep, she's out too!
But it doesn't look too comfortable!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I love all the Apple picking pictures! What fun and they turned out beautiful. I'm trying to find a farm around here where we can do the same thing. Also, Happy Birthday to Brody!!! I love his birthday pictures and the joy on his face opening presents! :) You also did a good job with the cake! So cute!