Friday, May 02, 2008

She Did It!!

Kylie has been wanting to get her ears pierced for the longest time now. I figured now was a good time, we asked her to show us she was responsible enough for them. I know she can't take care of them by herself, but I wanted her to show us how much she wanted them by proving that she can be responsible. She proved herself and here we are. Anyways, we didn't tell her we were going to get them done, we went out to dinner and after we pulled into the mall. Of course they thought we were there to get our pictures taken (why else would I be at the mall!) We told her while we were in the parking lot why we were there.

Here she is in the parking lot all excited, and showing me where the earrings were going to go.
I priced out the earring stores and Libby Lu seemed to be the best deal. She's checking out all the goods while we wait.
One last pictures before she gets them done

She really wanted her daddy to come with so she could sit on his lap and hold his hand.

Getting the dots
Daddy said her heart was racing!!

The girls were very sweet and explained everything to her. Here they are 'shooting' each other with the earring gun, so Kylie could see that gun doesn't hurt. Little does she know the gun doesn't hurt, its the earring in the gun that does! Actually she knew all about what it was like because we talked about it over and over again. I even pinched her lobes to give her a guess what it is going to feel like!
A second girl came over so they could do both ears at the same time. They told her they were going to count to 5 and if she was ready to give a thumbs up. That was all a lie, they counted to 3 and did it! I wish they would have let me in on that secret! I just happened to take a picture anyways, and I think this is right when they did it.

Man she was surprised! I don't know if it was because it hurt a little, or because she didn't think it was coming yet. Either way, she cried, of course!
She immediately curled up on daddy and cried, but it only lasted a second. Daddy said it made him MAD that those girls hurt his baby!!
We told her that it was done and that seemed to perk her up a little!

They wiped her ears with alcohol since they felt hot, and that did the trick. She was 100% after that!
Checking them out!
And showing them off.
She got a certificate and the girl was asking her the questions (who came with you, how did you feel before, how did you feel after...) and filling it out.

Then she let the girls put on a little lotion.

More showing them off

Of course Reygann and Brody were there too. Reygann got a sticker even though she didn't get her ears done, she put it on her ear... maybe she was pretending it was her earring? I don't know if you can tell from the picture or not, but she was messing around with the glitter the whole time we were busy with Kylie and she is sparkly as a disco ball! Seriously she was COATED, I think it was 3 baths later before all the glitter was washed out of her hair!
Showing off her earrings before Church, she still shows them off. I'm like I know honey, I was there!


Jessica said...

Awwww! She did great!! I can't wait to see her earrings!!

jodes said...

I'm so glad Deric was there with her! i love the pictures of the two of them! What a big girl.

Michelle said...

wow what a big girl! I'm so happy for her and ...for some reason this is bringing tears to my eyes...ok no more hormones for me!

Anonymous said...

How fun! She looks adorable I love all the pictures.

Julie said...

Aww...I remember the first time I got my ears pierced - I WISH they would have done the 2 guns & counting tricks with me...

She looks lovely with her new earrings, and I'm sure once they're healed she'll want to change her earrings every day (because a girl HAS to accessorize)

Anonymous said...

That story made me cry :( I remember getting my ears done and how bad it hurt. As a parent you must have been freaking out inside. She is so Pretty and did so good!