Wednesday, October 24, 2007

ER Trip

Here I am posting getting ready to take Brody to the ER... well I am going to stop by the Dr office and pick up a Rx for an x-ray, and I should just be able to go to the hospital. But there is a chance I'll have to take him to the ER vs just walking into the hospital. The reason for all of this is my battery eating boy finally ate 2!! They fell out of one of the girls toys, I found the toy with the cover off and the batteries missing. Kylie found one on the floor and put it on the shelve, but I never found the other 2. I figured they were lost, even though I searched really hard for them, it wasn't until he pooped one out that I realized that he ate them!! We aren't sure if he ate them both or just the one but they said to bring him in soon as he woke up. Eating a battery is bad enough but he ate the worst possible kind (the watch kind) because they can open up and chew his guts up. SO hopefully there will be no problems and it won't be in there (either he didn't eat it, or he passed it and we just didn't find it)! I'll keep you posted!


jodes said...

You back yet?? I want an update!

Hopefully now he won't be putting batteries and golf balls in his mouth!

b.e.c. said...

um, time to rid the house of batteries! bummer.